General contractors

Construction staking is a bedrock function of GPA that we take very seriously. Therefore, we assign you a field crew team of experienced individuals, so that you can build a relationship with THAT team. This makes sure all goes as planned – from the very start – to a successful and worry-free end result. This is what GPA is all about.

While experience and professionalism is key in the outcome, it is the right chemistry of personalities that makes each project work to everyone’s advantage. Our proactive approach to maximum productivity has become a proven standard by which we save our clients time and money.

GPS Services Include:

  • Mass Grading Staking
  • Road/Street/Parking Lot Staking
  • Residential Drainage Staking
  • Curb Staking
  • Building Control Staking
  • Residential Site Staking
  • Commercial Site Staking
  • Sewer As-builts
  • Drainage As-builts
  • Anchor Bolt and Steel As-builts


We're here to help.

    GPA Inc. of Charleston, SC Corporate Office : GPA Inc. of Charlotte, NC Office: GPA Inc. of Fort Mills, SC: GPA Inc. of Raleigh, NC:
